Brand-new BMW X6 5-door luxury crossover SUV 1920×1080 HD

Posted by at 23 October 2014, at 20 : 53 PM

Car of the day – Brand-new BMW X6 5-door luxury crossover SUV 1920×1080 HD

A brand-new BMW X6 is the car, which you would love to ride in but would not as much like to drive. The car is heavy and large. Its drivetrain and power plant are decent which means just enough to have the car happily chugging along on city roads and highways.

In case you want to win any races with this car, forget the keys at home. You would get a 7 out of 10 performance, so use this car to indulge someone special. For adrenaline pumping, this is not the best bet.

BMW X6 is a coupe, not a sports car. It can reach from standstill to 60 mph in 5 seconds with the 4.8 liter V8 engine, which has a 6-speed manual transmission system.

Did you know that some of the 3 ton vehicles do that too where as this car weighs just about 2 tons? On the positive side, the suspension system of the car is taut and makes the ride smooth. You also get the Dynamic Stability Control System installed in the car. The system adjusts the throttle and brakes for making your rides much safer. Another remarkable feature is the Start Off Assistant, which ensure zero rolling back.

In case you want a car that is more about luxury and not so much about speed, do consider the BMW X6.

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