Tips For Purchasing A New Motorcycle

Posted by at 16 February 2018, at 10 : 42 AM

Tips For Purchasing A New Motorcycle

When the sun starts to shine every day in the springtime and the flowers are blooming next to the roads, it can be completely natural for your thoughts to drift towards thinking about purchasing a new or a used motorcycle to celebrate and enjoy the warm weather that has finally arrived. Having the ability to cruise down the highway or back roads without needing to worry about your phone or all of those other distractions that are part of daily life can give you the peace of mind you have been searching for and also be completely exhilarating. For many people, spring is the perfect time to finally go for your dreams and make the commitment to buy that motorcycle you’ve always wanted. If this sounds like something you would like to do, then take a bit of time to go over the following useful tips on how to purchase a new motorcycle.

1. The Price. How much a new motorcycle cost, can vary anywhere from $4,000 up to $10,000 or more according to Chopperexchange. However, a used one will cost a lot less. So if you are a beginner, then you will need to find a motorcycle that you are comfortable with but also will need to review your finances in order to ensure that you can find one that fits your budget as well.

2. Personal Gear. It is definitely important to have the proper protective gear for when you are riding your bike. The minimum safety that you will need is a helmet. They cost around $100 up to over $1,000 depending on the style and brand that you prefer. Whether you are a beginner or somebody who has been riding a motorcycle for many years, it is very important to protect your head. It is equally important to protect your skin. I don’t mean sunscreen. I am talking about boots, gloves and a motorcycle jacket that is made out of leather. Look for high-abrasion leather than can help to protect your skin in case you ever fall off your bike. Although a lot of people ride in shorts or jeans, you should keep in mind that cloth material like jeans, and also your skin, can quickly shred off of your body, and it will most likely be painful. Good safety gear may cost about $1,000, but there is gear that can be found online for much less than that as well.

3. Horsepower. Whenever you are thinking about purchasing a new motorcycle, you might have a vision of cruising on the highway on a super powerful and lightning fast bike. Maybe when you were a child you got to go for rides on the back of your dad’s bike and you want to have one exactly like his. However, when you are buying your first motorcycle, it isn’t necessary to purchase a large bike. It is a good idea to buy a motorcycle that you can learn how to ride really well before you start to increase the horsepower and speed. That can all come later now, but in the meantime, take time to learn how to ride a motorcycle without making any fatal mistakes before hopping on a bike that might have too big of kick that you can’t handle. Keep in mind, this is your first motorcycle and not your last one. Better to be safe rather than sorry when it comes to riding a motorcycle, especially if you are planning on returning home to your family after your ride is finished.

4. Know the Facts. Before you start searching for a new motorcycle to buy, you need to make sure you know what the facts are about the specific bike you are considering. The internet is really helpful when it comes to this. Most likely your local motorcycle shop will have knowledgeable salespeople who know a lot about the bikes they are selling and which ones might be best for a beginner. Most of these salespeople ride motorcycles themselves and can show you the ropes about all the things that you need to know about the motorcycles in their shop. Occasionally, you might run across someone who isn’t very familiar with the facts and you will need to know what you are searching for. Before you start to shop, make sure you determine certain things like how frequently you are planning on riding, what the specific road conditions will be where you are riding and what type of weather patterns the area has. You are also going to need to determine what horsepower you are comfortable with. Never allow someone talk you into purchasing a 1500cc bike that could be difficult to handle when a bike ranging from 500cc to 600cc most likely will be one that is fairly easy to learn how to ride and be enjoyable for quite some time after you have gotten comfortable with it.

5. Getting your Motorcycle Home. If you happen to live near the seller or shop that you purchase your new bike from, and you have taken the time already to really learn how to ride the motorcycle and feel comfortable out on the road, then it probably won’t be a big deal for you to ride your bike home. However, if you live far away from where you bought your bike or haven’t mastered riding it yet, then you should have a professional transporter take your motorcycle to your house or another location where you will be storing it.

Make sure you hire a reliable motorcycle transport company to ensure your motorcycle is kept safe and charges a reasonable price for their services. Ask if they will be using a motorcycle trailer or will be strapping your bike inside a shipping crate and if the bike will be covered in the event it gets damaged or scratched during shipment. Select a company that gives you the answers you need to those questions, and one that you feel comfortable with the level of safety they are providing. The transport company also needs to be insured and licensed. Find out if you will be able to track your motorcycle during the shipment process since that can help to relieve the stress you might feel by knowing where your new bike is at all times after it leads the seller’s location and is headed your way. Selecting the best company to transport your motorcycle will help to ensure that your bike is kept in top shape and reaches you safe and sound.

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